gooseneck wingspan half hitch factory and manufacturers | Fushitong

gooseneck ġwienaħ nofs irbit

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

The top of the car is closed and cannot be opened; the side wings can be opened, and the wing panel can be opened at 90 degrees; the side wing panel of the car can be up and down two sections, the upper part is connected to the top wing panel, the lower part is a railing, and the lower rail is four

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It-tagħbija u l-ħatt l-effiċjenza huwa għoli. L-għoli lift tal-ġwienaħ ġisem karozza huwa ogħla minn dak tal-pannelli ta 'quddiem u. Fl-istat miftuħa, il-merkanzija jistgħu jiġu mgħobbija u mħatta minn angoli multipli, li jtejjeb bil-kbir it-tagħbija u l-ħatt l-effiċjenza u hija aktar xierqa għall-ħtiġijiet tat-tagħbija u l-ħatt ta 'loġistika moderna konvenjenti u veloċi.

Il-quċċata tal-karozza hija magħluqa u ma jistgħux jinfetħu; -ġwienaħ sekondarji jistgħu jinfetħu, u l-bord ġwienaħ tista 'tinfetaħ fuq 90 grad; -panel ġwienaħ ġenb tal-karozza jista 'jkun u' l isfel żewġ sezzjonijiet, il-parti ta 'fuq huwa konness mal-panel ġwienaħ ta' fuq, il-parti t'isfel hija puġġaman, u l-ferrovija aktar baxx huwa tip erba 'jew tlieta Segment; jew laterali pjanċa tip integrali, m'hemm l-ebda puġġaman fil-parti t'isfel.

Il-vettura għandha struttura raġonevoli, kapaċità li jifilħu qawwija, operazzjoni sempliċi u d-dehra sabiħa. Il-prodott jista 'jkun iddisinjat u modifikata skond rekwiżiti tal-utent għall-bżonnijiet individwali tal-klijenti.

High safety

Adopt double circuit braking system, add emergency braking device, braking is more safe;

High strength

The frame girder is made of high-strength wear-resistant material, the strength of the plate is 4 times that of the mainstream manganese steel in the market, the strength of the frame frame frame is stronger, and the service life of the vehicle is prolonged.

Gooseneck design

The optional loading and unloading platform is increased to meet more load distribution.

Equipped with spring tail ladder, it is more convenient and reliable for loading and unloading.

Reasonable distribution inside, X-type brace, with the characteristics of multi pull, heavy load and light self weight. The car roof has closed type, push open type, open type, open to tarpaulin bar type, etc., which is easy to operate and meets the diversified and personalized requirements of users. With the advantages of fast loading and unloading speed, high efficiency, side loading and unloading, it has become a very popular means of transport for modern logistics enterprises. Become a good choice for large logistics companies.

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