dump semi-trailer 11.5m high low flat roll factory and manufacturers | Fushitong

звалка паўпрычэпы 11.5m высокі нізкі плоскі рулон

Кароткае апісанне:

The longitudinal beams of the carriage are welded from high-quality manganese plate, which has high strength, strong lifting force, good rigidity and toughness, strong bearing capacity and no permanent deformation.

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Звалка паўпрычэпы падыходзіць для транспарціроўкі сыпкіх і рассеянай грузаў, такіх як вугаль, руда, і будаўнічыя матэрыялы.

Карэткі прымае бакавога павароту і назад-паваротныя метады самастойнай разгрузкі, якія могуць эфектыўна павысіць эфектыўнасць транспарціроўкі балкера ў сыпкіх грузаў. рама і

Падоўжныя бэлькі кареток звараныя з высакаякаснай пласціны марганца, які мае высокую трываласць, моцную пад'ёмную сілу, добрую калянасць і трываласць, моцную апорную здольнасць і ня рэшткавую дэфармацыі.

Асноўныя кампаненты апрацоўваюцца сучасным абсталяваннем. Падоўжны прамень цалкам флюс і зваркі. Зборачны станок выкарыстоўваецца для дакладнага зборкі вось кола і пласціністай спружыны.

The frame and the longitudinal beam of the carriage are welded with high-quality manganese plates. There are dustpan and rectangle containers. It has high strength, strong lifting force, good rigidity, toughness, strong bearing capacity and no permanent deformation.

Excellent technology: the main parts are processed by advanced equipment, the longitudinal beam is welded by full-automatic submerged arc welding, and the assembly machine is used for precise assembly of wheel axle and steel plate spring.

1.The body of the vehicle is made of high-quality steel, advanced technology and strict production. The whole vehicle has reasonable structure, reliable performance, simple operation and beautiful appearance.

2.The series of semi-trailers are of the beam-type structure, and the stringers are straight or gooseneck. The web height is welded from 400mm to 550mm manganese plate, the longitudinal beam is automatically buried and welded, the frame is shot peened, the beam is inserted into the stringer and welded.

3.Widely used in different areas, mainly used in long-haul freight transport.

4.Reasonable structure, strong rigidity and strength, can be used to impact the bearing the strike.

5.Customized design to meet different customer needs.

6. Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laser cutting, robot automatic welding, reliable quality

7. Advanced painting technology KTL electrophoresis + powder spraying, instead of traditional paint process, has good anti-corrosion effect and long paint life.

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